At l’Auberge de l’Ill the Haeberlin-Baumann family is your host since more than 150 years. A 2-star Michelin restaurant and a place full of amazing food and heritage. Marc Haeberlin seducts with traditional recipes refreshed with modern creations of the nouvelle cuisine, very refined and special. I appreciate the mixture of family tradition and Alsatian style and new ideas of our modern times. So is the interior of the restaurant, nicely balanced between these two worlds.

Let’s start with a little amuse-bouche

What a delight for all senses

While walking through the gardens in between the restaurant and Hôtel des Berges, the adjacent hotel you will enjoy the beauty of the rhododendrons and camellias in the spring months. The 5-star facilities and the caring of the Haeberlin-Baumann family will make you happy and give you a positive memory.